Credit Rated Courses
We offers credit rated qualifications in partnership with Scottish Qualifications Authority. These qualification are listed under the SCQF qualifications database.
Professional Certifications
We offers professional qualifications in partnership with Northern Council for Further Education and Training Qualifications UK
Customised Training Certifications
We offer customised training certification based on the needs of corporate and training providers.
Many of the CIQ qualifications provide opportunity to progress to Masters Degree programs of many reputed universities. This helps the student to continue the studies further in a more flexible and cost effective manner.
Please click here to find more details of the progression pathways available
Flexible, Relevant and Stackable
Our qualifications are developed based on current and future needs of the respective industries with an emphasis of pragmatic assessments which helps the learner to apply the learning outcomes directly at the work place.
Each qualifications has single or multiple independent units which helps the students to learn at his own pace. In addition, these unit can be learned independently and its allows the students to stacks up multiple units and achieve a higher qualification.
About CIQ
Cambridge International Qualifications (CIQ) is a professional awarding organization incorporated in the UK and its subsidiary of Westford Education Group which is in higher education since 2009.
CIQ aims to develop and accredit qualifications which meet the ongoing needs of learners and the corporate sector ensuring individuals have access to opportunities for personal and professional development.